Generic String.Parse Extension Method

After reading this post about missing parses method for nullable integer and possible implementation. I want to share my version of parse method with generic touch.

Here’s my parser class

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;

public static class Parser {

public static T Parse<T>(this string value) {
// Get default value for type so if string // is empty then we can return default value. T result = default(T);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) {
// we are not going to handle exception here // if you need SafeParse then you should create // another method specially for that. TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T));
result = (T)tc.ConvertFrom(value);

return result;
And here's how you use it.
// regular parsing
int i = "123".Parse<int>(); 
int? inull = "123".Parse<int?>();
DateTime d = "01/12/2008".Parse<DateTime>();
DateTime? dn = "01/12/2008".Parse<DateTime?>();

// null values string sample = null;
int? k = sample.Parse<int?>(); // returns null int l = sample.Parse<int>(); // returns 0 DateTime dd = sample.Parse<DateTime>(); // returns 01/01/0001 DateTime? ddn = sample.Parse<DateTime?>(); // returns null


  • I would turn that around so that the methods are defined on the appropriate types instead of adding everything to the string type. It will also be easier to add more refined versions for specific types

    public static T Parse(this T source,string value)

    int? k = sample.Parse();
    would become
    int? k= Nullable.Parse(...)
    or to avoid needing the long form of Nullable
    int? k= int.ParseNullable(...)

  • Loved it! great for loading nullable values from a XElement

  • it's very usefull for me,thanks!

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