Contents tagged with ADO.NET

  • ASP.NET AJAX Preview 4 Samples

    Politian has posted a lot of samples on using the new ADO.NET Data Services features in ASP.NET AJAX Preview 4 (in fact, at the time of this posting, the entire blog is dedicated to Preview 4!).  He walks through some basic scenarios, but then goes into detail about interesting sample topics as he builds his MIX Presenter Application.  Highlights thus far:

  • ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 New Features and Video Walkthrough

    10-4 and Jonathan Carter just did a great episode where they walk through creating a sample with ADO.NET Data Services, and showcase some of the things that have changed since we released ASP.NET AJAX Preview 3.  There's some great coverage on DataView, AdoNetDataContext (formerly AdoNetDataSource), and bindings.  Jonathan also goes through command bubbling and item selection integration with master-detail DataViews.  The cool thing is that Jonathan uses imperative code, as opposed to the declarative syntax that I've gone over before in my ADO.NET post.  The choice is largely a preference, but both methods are perfectly valid.  The video is about 27 minutes long, but is well worth it.  Silverlight is required, click here for the video.