
Archives / 2008 / January
  • The Server/Client Balance of Power Continues

    I have had the unique pleasure of dealing with this conundrum countless times of the past eight years while architecting applications that operate in various web server and browser environments.  The notion of a “rich client” experience has always been balanced with the capabilities of the client environment and the programming prowess of the developers.  At one point it was java applets that allowed us to do client to networking calls back to the server without reloading the current webpage.  Various other experimentation saw folks using hidden frames, xml data islands in IE and I’m sure a whole lot of other stuff.

  • What is silverlight good for (yet)?

    I have just passed up my first chance to build a silverlight component into a website.  It was a tough choice, since everyone involved generally agreed that Silverlight was a great technology and would add a ton of bling to the site.