Remember to check-in when you re-format your machine!!!

Besides losing any code you may have written that you’ll never get back, those pending changes or locks will be stored on the server until someone does an “undo” or a workspace delete.


Here is the undo command:

tf undo /workspace:TheirWorkspace;DOMAIN\TheirUserAccount $/path/to/file


Here is the delete workspace command:

tf workspace /delete TheirWorkspace;DOMAIN\TheirUserAccount /s:http://TFSSERVER:8080


I nabbed these commands from this blog post on Richard Murillo’s blog.


more later – joel

1 Comment

  • Consider using Shelfsets instead of checking in when you want to reformat your machine

    We use the free "Team Foundation Sidekicks" for, amongst other things, unlocking files.

    Hope that helps,
    Raj Kaimal

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