ASP.NET Messagebox - Server and Client

Today I ran into an excellent post of Bill Beckelman about a server side message box.

More info you can find on this post. And I thought what if I wanted to use it via the client ? So I decided to extended a little further and to add a client-side behavior.


How can be used via the client?

To use the MessageBox via client you should call the
ShowMessageBox(type,Header,Text,Width,Height) function.

The first argument is the type. At the moment possible values are info,error,success and warning.
The second is the the header of the messagebox and the third is the text. You can also use html...!
The other two are width and height of the message box.

Example : ShowMessageBox('info','A Simple Header','Just some text',400,125);

So simple :)

You can view a demo or you can download the updated version.

Again credits to Bill Beckelman!





kick it on


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