[IIS] Reminder - July 9 is National Metabase Backup Day...

... and August 9 is National I Told You So Day, so get cracking. Backing up your IIS metabase is really easy, and if your metabase gets corrupted you're gonna need it[1]. Sure, you want to back up your production metabases, but back up your dev machine right now.

For IIS 5 - from command line[2]:

cscript c:\inetpub\iissamples\sdk\admin\metaback.vbs

For IIS 6 - from command line[3]

cscript iisback.vbs /backup

While you're at it, you should schedule a task to run the command weekly.

More info for IIS 5 http://www.winnetmag.com/Windows/Article/ArticleID/9159/9159.html
For IIS 6 http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=324277

[1] Speaking from experience here... playing with an ADSI script hosed my metabase on my laptop, and I had to recreate all the settings.
[2] Modify to point at your inetpub location if it's not at the default location. If you're deleted your Inetpub\IISSamples directory for security (IIS 5), you can manually back up your metabase in the IIS MMC: Start / Run / Inetmgr / Right click your server / Backup/Restore Configuration. Then grab metaback.vbs from another machine and put it somewhere out of your Inetpub path - say in system32 - and schedule it as described above.
[3] iisback.vbs is in system32, so you don't need to specify the path.

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