More ASCII Art

A few recent posts on the feed [1 2 3] reminded me of a some code I wrote a year ago and have been meaning to post.

This is a simple ASP.NET page - you upload the image file and input the text; it scales the text to the same proportions as the image and applies the HTML color in a font tag. Most ASCII Art things just let you pick the image, this one lets you pick your text too - helpful if you want to embed your copyright into the image. Okay, yes, it is completely useless. One obvious optimization would be grouping to eliminate unnecessary font tags when adjacent characters are the same color (<font color='#BFBFBF'>i</font><font color='#BFBFBF'>t</font> becomes <font color='#BFBFBF'>it</font>).

Try it: [here]

Sample output:

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+ Default.aspx.cs 

+ Default.aspx 

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