T-4 Days Until …

I leave to go to India (Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, and Delhi) then on to Nepal (Kathmandu and the Forbidden Kingdom of Mustang) .. I don’t get back until May 9th. 

You can read more about the Nepal trip here:


I’ll also try to use my SPOT device to track where I am every day.

If I can figure out how to use SPOT – you should be able to track me here: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0Uh4M55mgNMsNLUW3XsMAZA6rJShgNsDB

There is a risk that the device just won’t work in such a remote place of the earth.

If you are interested to know more about the region.. check out the following:


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