[Tools] FxCop: New Version 1.21 Available

The new FxCop version is up at the FxCop Team site at GotDotNet.com, including versions for both the 1.0 and 1.1 versions of the .NET Framework. 

FxCop is a very handy code review tool.  Even should you elect to ignore the "rules," you are well-advised to at least know them.  While I certainly do not agree with all of the Microsoft .NET Framework Design Guidelines (I wish they would have talked with more of us Smalltalkers, first, particularly about casing), I will certainly follow most, if not all, of them because I would like that others be able to read and maintain my .NET code.  If you do not want to have to memorize all of the rules before writing code, then at least use FxCop to help you "learn by doing!"

In adition to the GUI version, FxCop.exe, the distribution includes a command-line version, FxCopCmd.exe, and offers instructions for including FxCop checks automatically into your build process.

Oh, and you can add and manage your own rules with the included SDK.

Although you can ignore rules during analysis, FxCop is definitely a tool not to be ignored.


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