English 101

It's been a few, hmmmm, decades since I took an English writing course.  In my job I've done tons of technical writing and that is still very strong.  However, I am quite rusty at writing the standard English paper.  So, to help me knock off the rust I am starting to do book reviews.  To keep it interesting, for me at least, I'll be reviewing books of a technical nature as well as leadership and relationship books.  I may eventually bite off some fiction and other "light" reading.

Even if you, the reader, does not get a lot out of these reviews I know I will.  In my many years of teaching and mentoring I've always been the one to learn the most when I commit to an outline and study up to teach it.  And if you are asking "why relationship books" the answer is very simple.  The moment you interact with anyone you have a relationship.  Relationships are the cornerstone of leadership.  And I want to look at leadership in a broader sense than just the "top brass" of an organization.

Some of my favorite authors in Leadership and Relationships are:

Some of my favorite books are:


This is an extremely short list.  I'm hoping to be able to do one book each month, probably broken down by chapters or series of chapters.

Quote of the Day:
Life is not an exact science, it is an art.
--Samuel Butler, the younger Cross posted from my blog at http://schema.sol3.net/kbarrows

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