ZIP in the .NET framework

The fact that this article needs to exist is just wrong. ZIP compression support should be a part of the core framework. Hell, it's been in Java since 1.0.


  • I wonder if there were some features that Microsoft wanted in the core framework but excluded because they wanted to keep for core framework filesize down (I still wish that 21MB was smaller).

    I'm not saying that adding ZIP compression would have made a massive change to this, just wonder if the framework size did impact on what was included in the core framework.

  • Hi Ben,

    Not sure that it was meant to keep the Framework small. For instance, the SharpZipLib assembly is only 45 Kb. So...

    I think that like some other missing features, they weren't in the top priorities and we will have to wait until .NET Framework 2.0 to have them all implemented in managed code.


  • This has always annoyed me. CAB compression was in the .NET Betas - it just got left out of the release. Not including compression is amazingly annoying - SharpZipLib is pretty good, but an in-framework compression would be better. Web services especially would benefit from this.

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