The Magic is gone

Well, it happened. The DotNetMagic UI library went commercial. Very sad, as the "free tool" community really needs something like this. Fortunately, the free last version will continue to be available, it just won't be enhanced.

Interestingly, from my quicky reading of the license there's nothing to prevent someone else from taking that snapshot of the source code and continuing it as a free open source library. But maybe I'm misinterpreting.


  • Sad song. I just can't seem to locate the place where the free previous version is. Can you point me to it, I'd like to have a look at it's licence.

  • Thx. Weird, since the site contained the following statement in the past: "There is no licence or royalty fee to be paid at any time. You may include the source into your own projects which may then be used for personal or commercial use. The only restriction is the code cannot be resold as is, nor modified and sold as a user interface library for C#.".

  • Great library. It was fairly stable for community code. But now its commercial.

  • Too bad...

    I used this as an example of the values and features to be found in open source...

    Can't blame them for wanting to make a buck, but still.

    Time to branch it and continue on with an open source version. Looking at the comment from Christophe Lauer that seems do'able (as long as it stays open source/free)

  • Magic is gone but hopefuly a new star is born. One part of the Borgworks Buissnes Framework Project is a powerful set of Windows Forms Controls and Web UI controls. We are just in the planing phase.... and UI Controls is only a small but importernt part of the whole Project but we have a lot of Developers working hard on this project. I think GUI Control Libarys `ll be in first and very experimental released in the End of April this year.

    The GUI Libarys of the Project `ll be released under LGPL License so and `ll never change to an unfree version.

    In the first experimental Release we`ll support the Features of Magic and some others more like O2003 Look. In the Versions after 0.1 we `ll support a lot of more Features like Outlook style Timeline Shedule extendet Datagrid only to name some of the planed Features

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