Looking Under the Hood of Silverlight 1.1 Apps

I'm still getting my head around the alpha of Silverlight 1.1. The more I see, the more I think this is going to be huge.

One of the best ways to come to grips with new technology is to look under the hood to see how it was put together. To that end, don't miss this great tool from Ernie Booth that plugs into Reflector and lets you browse the source of a Silverlight application as it runs. This really helps you understand all of the components that go into putting a Silverlight application into a browser page.

To give the plugin a try, point it at Mike Stall's little demo here.

1 Comment

  • Hate to compare to flash but here goes.
    One thing that has always kept flash down is the way it handles form entries. Its text boxes are choppy, scrolling rarely works, Int'l character sets are an afterthought. Anybody played around with this in Silverlight? Does a textbox feel any different than a textbox on a HTML page - is it just as responsive?

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