• The preparation tool link does not seem to be working

  • I'm having problems with the Prep tool too. It keeps failing when it tries to update the 2008 shell, which I guess was installed when I did SQL 2008 RC0. Here's the error...

    Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Error 1706.An installation package for the product Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) - ENU cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'vs_shell.msi'.]

    Any ideas?

  • I got the exactly same problem: vs_shell.msi cannot be found

  • i located it on the sql server 2008 full rc0 cd in the folder 'x64\Setup'

  • I found the proper file on my SQL Server CD too, it just didn't like it. I had to end up un-installing the Visual Studio 2008 Shell before I could continue.

  • You need to choose correct version x64 or x86. It works fine then.

  • Same happened to me. You have to get the file from SQL 2008 RC0 setup files.

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