Silverlight 2 Data Form - Episode 3: Master/Details and ObservableCollection

In Episode 3 of my series on creating a Silverlight 2 Data Form, we display the details of the selected item and explore the DataContext property. I spend some time on the interesting and flexible ObservableCollection objects and configure automatic UI updating by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.

Remember: These tutorials are sequential! You must complete Episode 1 and Episode 2 to be ready for this one. 



  • @Henrik: You won't get Intellisense for these because they are part of the Text property string and not TextBox attributes themselves:

    Text="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=CompanyName, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}" />

    You want it in C#? Why? In my experience most people who program only in C# already know everything there is to know.


  • Jesse, why is Microsoft shying away from Silverlight? HTML 5 is not a navite Microsoft product. Why all these silly articles from corporate vice presidents? Microsoft needs to re-direct its energy and focus back to Silverlight and make it the de-facto standard to do not only UI but apps as well in all Windows-based devices PCs, phones, xbox 360 consoles, in the future tablets, etc. The Microsoft App store that is going to open with Windows 8, needs to accept apps written in Silverlight. Make it consistent and easy for Microsoft developers. While web-based development could happen in HTML 5 (why hasn't the ASP.NET team updated the old and out-dated toolset to support HTML 5 with Ajax/jquery?), Microsoft should promote Silverlight for development of navite apps for all platforms. ASP.NET now looks like a 2008 product. From MIX, I got mixed signals about Microsoft's strategy about web-based development. In the past year or so, Microsoft is trying to be too friendly with open-source based efforts and that is causing too many headaches for Microsoft developers. What about ASP.NET???! What about productivity with ease of use that comes with ASP.NET? What is wrong with Microsoft?! Don't you guys understand pretty soon Microsoft will have no identity if it can't keep faith in its own products!Very frustrating!

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