Commercial Blog on a Community Site?

Does anyone else find it distasteful, annoying, and unfair that Visual WebGui consistently uses its community blog on for commercial purposes?

It’s one thing to bring new, innovative products to the community’s attention – I do that myself occasionally. But, Visual WebGui repeatedly uses its blog to post promotional material such as news releases, white papers, and endorsements.

If Visual WebGui can advertise for free in blog posts, what about Telerik, ComponentArt, Infragistics, Intersoft Solutions?

To me, Visual WebGui should be removed from the main feed if it can’t separate its community content from its commercial interests.


  • I think I'm with you on that. Having been here for five years, I'd like to think that this is a place that individual developers post their experiences. It's OK if that relates to some specific work, employer or product they're involved with, but it shouldn't be a PR platform.

  • Personally, I find Jeff's posts far more annoying, that is the most negative SOB i've ever read, no wonder he always gets fired.

  • What really makes me wonder about that product is the fact that no-one else seems to blog about it.

    If it is really so super-awesome, why doesn't anyone else say so?

  • Good point Ken. I think they should use their own site for commercial blogging and they may post a technology related posts at

  • I agree... this is the only place i seem to pick up info on the product.

  • @Dude Walker
    LOL so true.
    Maybe I should start a blog on MSDN and advertise myself for hire.

  • I agree

  • Ken - I agree with you. Every single time I see a posting by Visual WebGui in the main feed it raises my hackles.

    I just had a look at the "Terms of Use" which appear to be generic ones on, that said they do specify "Unless otherwise specified, the Services are for your personal and non-commercial use", so perhaps one of the people who manages could point that out to the VWG people...

  • Fully with you on this.

    I've actually filed a complaint to about this half a year ago. They just don't bother.


  • now now be nice to mr Jeff.

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