
Archives / 2004 / July
  • Using Namespaces

    There are some subtle differences in how C++ and C# handle namespaces and scope. I have had a few people ask me about it so I thought I would talk about it here. First the basics: a namespace allows you to group names in your program together to provide some context for them and to avoid conflicts with names declared in other namespaces. How you actually make use of names and namespaces in C++ and C# differ quite a bit.

  • Programming with Credentials

    Writing code to deal with password-based credentials can introduce many subtle bugs into your code. Having a good understanding of credentials is important in writing robust and correct code, not to mention secure code. In this piece I will focus on what makes up a set of credentials and how you should interpret them as a provider and consumer of credentials.

  • Character Disassembler

    Every so often I need to convert one or more characters to their numeric equivalents. This can be especially painful when dealing with Unicode characters. So I wrote a little tool called the Character Disassembler to help out.