Contents tagged with

  • Web Application Projects and Profiles

    So, I'm working on a Web Application Project in Visual Studio 2008 and I realize I don't have a strongly typed Profile object...So I Google around and find that this a Problem in Visual Studio 2005 and that Microsoft didn't fix the problem in VS 2008. Needless to say I was a little unimpressed. But I also found the Web Profile Builder at the MSDN Code Gallery. I followed the instructions here and was away running.

  • Setting Form Values Automatically with SubSonic

    Tedious coding sucks. SubSonic saves lots of time. But I want it to save me more. So I've started working on a method that will fill out the controls for me so I don't have to. It's simple really. I just new() up a the model I will use and pass it to my method along with the UserControl I have my form elements in.

  • SubSonic LoadFromPost

    I think SubSonic is simply amazing. It has saved me so much time and effort of writing. One little trick that it's got is the LoadFromPost method the Models inherit from the SubSonic.AbstractRecord<T> class.

  • Update to Ajax control toolkit breaks autocomplete

    I recently updated an application to the latest version of the Ajax Control Toolkit and my AutoComplete Extender broke. It was returning the list fine. but in the dropdown the only values showed were undefined. Not cool. But after some research I changed the web service that returns the values to use the new AutoComplete Item

  • Custom Parameter for a DataSource

    While using a cookie parameter for an ObjectDataSource I discovered that you get the whole cookie, not the value from a key....So instead of my method getting passed the value, it was getting passed key=value. Needless to say I was a little miffed. But I quickly discovered how easy it is to create my own custom data parameter.

  • SubSonic, ObjectDataSource, Paging, and you!

    SubSonic is such a time saver. Fresh out of the box it gives you so much goodness that it makes you wonder how you developed without it. However one feature I find lacking is that it doesn't have a paging method from the get go. However it's easy enough to implement paging with SubSonic.

    The trick is you have to created two methods to get the paging to work. The drawback to using the ObjectDataSource for paging is that the GridView doesn't take an output parameter as the record count. So what do you do to take advantage of the SubSonic goodness? First create the select method and the select count in the controller class.

       1:  [DataObjectMethod( DataObjectMethodType.Select, false )]
       2:  public MyCollection FetchAllPaged(int start, int pageLength)
       3:  {
       4:      int startIndex;
       5:      if(start ==0)
       6:      {
       7:          startIndex = 1;
       8:      }
       9:      else
      10:      {
      11:          startIndex = start / pageLength + 1;
      12:      }
      13:      MyCollection coll = new MyCollection();
      14:      Query qry = new Query( My.Schema );
      15:      qry.PageSize = pageLength;
      16:      qry.PageIndex = startIndex;
      17:      coll.LoadAndCloseReader( qry.ExecuteReader() );
      18:      return coll;
      19:  }
      20:  public int FetchAllCount()
      21:  {
      22:      Query qry = new Query( My.Schema );
      23:      return qry.GetCount( My.Columns.MyId );
      24:  }
    The trick to remember is that the ObjectDataSource passes passes in the count of the items but the paging method exposed by SubSonic expects the actual page number. This means that if your PageSize is 10 changing to the second page the start is 20, but SubSonic expects 2.
       1:  <asp:GridView ID="TheGrid" runat="server" 
       2:      AllowPaging="True" 
       3:      DataSourceID="MyDataSource"
       4:      PageSize="10" />
       5:  <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="MyDataSource" runat="server" 
       6:      SelectMethod="FetchAllPaged" 
       7:      TypeName="MyController" 
       8:      SelectCountMethod="FetchAllCount"
       9:      StartRowIndexParameterName="start" 
      10:      MaximumRowsParameterName="pageLength" 
      11:      EnablePaging="True" 
      12:  />