Visual Basic.Net ain't half bad

There I said it.

I'm a C# guy. Now about 4 years when I started with .Net I started writing in VB.Net but I quickly decided to move C#. This, despite having spent the 3+ years prior working in ASP Classic. After a little bit of C# I quickly adopted the typical C# snobbish opinion of VB. For no good reason mind you, just cause it was different.

My how things change.

I've joined a VB team and instead of trying to make the team change to C# I figured I'd just get back to VB. Also we do a lot of work with XML so it got me looking into the VB 9.0 XML features and I found that you can do things like this:

   1:  Imports <xmlns:ns="http://contacts">
   3:  Dim contact1 As XElement = _
   4:      <contact>
   5:        <name>Joe Bloggs</name>
   6:        <phone type="home">09-555-0144</phone>
   7:        <phone type="mobile">021-555-0145</phone>
   8:      </contact>

Okay, nifty and all, but what do you do from there...How about this?

   1:  Dim phoneTypes As XElement = _
   2:    <phoneTypes>
   3:        <%= From phone In contacts...<phone> _
   4:            Select <type><%= phone.@type %></type> _
   5:        %>
   6:    </phoneTypes>

And that will give you the following XML


That's rather cool and really useful with some of the stuff I'll be working on.

Check out the Overview of LINQ to XML in Visual Basic for more details

Now, I still want to say I'm a C# guy, but I think the snickering at the mention of VB stops now. 

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