
Archives / 2004 / April
  • "Brutal" Architecture

    We have all heard about the parallels between physical architecture and software architecture. How “design patterns” were first expressed by Christopher Alexander to describe things in buildings. And, because building architecture is such a mature industry - relatively speaking - that we should be able to learn from them. This is all familiar ground, isn't it? Well, maybe we need to question this obvious association...

  • Collaboration

    I've been working on a few collaborative projects recently, and I've had to update my expectations to keep up with current “conditions“. In the “good old days“, if I sent an email to a dozen people, I'd expect a response from half of them within a day. Now it's more like 1 or 2, and these are for issues that clearly benefit them.So I have to nag the others, badger them by phone, threaten to have Microsoft cut off their MSDN subscriptions (just kidding! really! <g>) just to get a response.

  • Corporate .NET User Groups?

    Everyone knows about INETA and how it supports public .NET user groups. In fact, according to the counter on the up left corner of the INETA home page, there are currently 522 registered user groups with 196,658 users worldwide.