
Archives / 2004 / December
  • PayPal for Aceh Aid Bucket Brigade

    Robert and Julie have already mentioned this. I've been hard at work all week helping a good friend in Bali - Susi Johnston - put together an immediate relief effort for the Aceh province called the "Aceh Aid Bucket Brigade". Susi credits me with the name, but let's just say it was a group effort. One of the things I can take credit for was setting up her blog on MSN spaces (good suggestion Robert!) to which she can post via email (they have embarassingly slow connections over there). I still have to do the pictures manually though...

  • Visual Studio Server?

    Somebody left these "ASK ME about Visual Studio Server" buttons in the VIP lounge at VSLive/NYC in July. Nobody confessed to knowing what they referred to, so nobody would actual wear one (which sort of defeats their purpose, right?). Six months later, Google only turns up references to "Visual Studio Server Explorer". Hmm.

  • A New Perspective on Architecture?

    These two posters went up around Microsoft's Redmond campus a few months ago. I was part of the team that designed the (then-new) Architecture portal ( but - even with that "perspective" - I think these posters can be difficult to grok. I like the mountain image, but if I understand the symbolism here - is a physical architecture that is literally "carved in stone" a good thing?