My Silverlight presentations at Code Camp Montreal

Code Camp Montreal

Yesterday I gave 2 Silverlight presentations at the Montreal Code Camp 2009.


1. Business application with Silverlight 3 and .NET RIA Services

In this session I showed how Silverlight 3 new features and controls helps you build real business oriented app, and how you can take advantage of .NET RIA Services to simplifies 3-tier application pattern by bringing together the ASP.NET and Silverlight platforms. The RIA Services provides a pattern to write application logic that runs on the mid-tier and controls access to data for queries, changes and custom operations. It also provides end-to-end support for common tasks such as data validation, authentication and roles by integrating with Silverlight components on the client and ASP.NET on the mid-tier.

Download my slides (french):

My demos were taken from 2 sessions I saw at TechEd 2009: WUX303 and WUX308 by Scott Morrison, so you can find the files on his blog:

2. Silverlight and SEO

After briefly explained the problem with RIA and SEO, I did 3 demos in Visual Studio 2008 to show different way to make your Silverlight app SEO friendly. The last demo was the Silverlight Store, a very efficient and easy way to do SEO-enable your Silverlight site using Silverlight 3, ASP.NET 3.5 and .NET RIA Services (More details by the author itself).

Download my slides (french) and demos:


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