
Archives / 2013 / December
  • Review the WPF ICommand interface

    I have not worked with WPF for a while. Recently, I need to make enhancement to a WPF project that I did 20 months ago. It is time to refresh my memory on several WPF unique things. The first thing that came to my mind is WPF Commanding.

    In the old days when we create a VB 1-6 or Windows Forms applications, we just double click a button from the designer to create an event handler. With WPF, we can still do it the old way but there is a new way: we bind the Command property of the control to a property of the view model that implements ICommand. So what is ICommand?

    The ICommand interface has 3 members: Execute, CanExecute and CanExecuteChanged.


    Why the complications? That is because the WPF Commanding allows enable/disable the command sources such as button and menu item without resorting to spaghetti code.The basic workflow is simple:

    1. Whenever we change a state in the view model that we think that might affect CanExecute state of the command, we call the this.MyCommand.CanExecuteChanged() method.
    2. This will trigger the view to call the CanExecute method the command object to determine whether the command source should be enabled.
    3. When the command source is enabled and clicked, the Execute method of the command object is called; there is where the event handler would be implemented.

    The prism project has a nice implementation of ICommand called DelegateCommand. Its declaration is fairly simple:


    All we need is to instantiate it and give it a executeMethod call back and an optionally canExecuteMethod call back.

    Noticed that both CanExecute and Execute functions allow one argument? We could use the mechanism to bind multiple controls to a single command on the view model. We can use CommandParameter of the control to differentiate the controls.

  • Custom Web API Message Formatter

    ASP.NET Web API supports multiple message formats. The framework uses the “Accept” request header from the client to determine the message format. If you visit a Web API URL with internet explorer, you will get a JSON message by default; if you use Chrome, which sends “application/xml;” in the accept header, you will get a XML message.

    Message format is an extensivity point in Web API. There is a pretty good example on ASP.NET web site. Recently, when I worked on my SkyLinq open source cloud analytic project, I needed a way to expose data to the client in a very lean manner. I would like it to leaner than both XML and JSON, so I used csv. The example provided on the ASP.NET website is actually a CSV example. The article was lastly updated on March 8, 2012. Since ASP.NET is rapidly advancing, I found that I need to make the following modifications to make the example working correctly with Web API 2.0.

    1. CanReadType is now a public function instead of a proetected function.
    2. The signature of WriteToStream has changed. The current signature is


    3. When addition the Media Formatter to the Configuration, I have to insert my custom formatter into the formatters collection as the first. This is because the JSON Formatter actually recognizes the “application/csv” header and send JSON back instead. Example below:


  • Thoughts on programming by composition

    Programming by composition is about putting together a large, complex program from small pieces. In the past, when we talk about composition in the object-oriented world, we declare interfaces. We then pass objects from classes that implement interfaces to anyplace that accepts these interfaces. However, there are some limitations in this approach:

    1. Interfaces live in namespaces. So except for a few well known interfaces, most interfaces live in their private namespaces so components have to be explicitly aware of each other to compose.
    2. Interfaces with multiple members are often too big a unit for composition. We often desire smaller composition units.

    Composition is much easier in the functional world because the basic units are functions (or lambdas). Functions do not have namespace and functions are smallest units possible. For as long as the function signature matches, we can adapt them together.  In addition, some functional language relies on remarkably smaller number of types, for example, Cons in Scheme. Is there a middle ground we can do the same in C# which is an object-oriented language with some functional features?

    As the Linq library has demonstrated, types implementing IEnumerable<T> can be easily composed in a fluent style. In additional, my blog on Linq to graph shows that some more complicated data structures can be flattened to IEnumerable<T> and thus consumed by Linq. This takes care the problems where T is a simple type or a well known type. For more complicated data types, a type that implements IDictionary<string, object> can store arbitrary complex data structure as demonstrated in scripting languages like Javascript. Many data sources, such as a record from a comma separated file, or IDataReader are naturally Dictionary<string, object>. Many outputs of the programs such as JSON and XML are also IDictionary. The remaining question is whether we can use IDictionary in the heart of the programs.

    Unfortunately, C# code to access dictionary is ugly; there are currently no syntactic sugars to make them pretty (while VB.NET has). A combination of C# dynamic keyword and DynamicObject is the closest thing to make IDictionary access pretty but DynamicObject carries a huge overhead. So the solution that I propose is to create a strongly-typed wrapper over the underlying dictionary when strong-type is needed. This is not a new idea; strongly-typed dataset already uses it. We can in fact use C# dynamic to duck-typing to strongly-typed wrapper from any namespaces. The duck-typing code generated by C# compiler is far more efficient than DynamicObject.  It is fairly easy to generate strongly-typed wrapper code from the meta data and templates and I intent to demonstrate that in my later blog posts.

    For an example of IDictionary implementation over delimited file record, see the Record class in SkyLinq. For an example of strongly-typed wrapper, see the W3SVCLogRecord class. I do not have many composition example yet, but I promise that as the SkyLinq project unfold the entire system would build on composition.

  • Be aware of the memory implication of GroupBy in LINQ

    LINQ functions generally have very small memory footprint. LINQ functions usually use lazy evaluation whenever possible. An item is not evaluated until MoveNext() and Current of the Enumerator are called. It only needs memory to hold one element at a time.

    GroupBy is an exception. An IEnumerable<T> are often grouped into one IEnumerable<T> for each group before it is further processed. LINQ often has no choice but to accumulate each group using a List<T> like structure, resulting in the entire IEnumerable<T> loaded into memory at once.

    If we are only interested in the aggregated results of each group, we can optimize GroupBy with the following implementation:


    We use a dictionary to hold the accumulated value for each group. Each element from IEnumerable<T> is immediately consumed by the accumulated as it is read in. This way, we only need as much memory to hold the number of groups, far less than the entire IEnumerable<T> if each group has a large number of elements.

    If the IEnumerable<T> is ordered by the key order, we can further optimize the code. We would need memory to hold only one group at a time.

    As usual, all LINQ samples are available in the codeplex SkyLinq project.