
Archives / 2014 / September
  • ASP Classic Compiler is now available in NuGet

    I know this is very, very late, but I hope it is better than never. To make it easy to experiment with ASP Classic Compiler, I made the .net 4.x binaries available in NuGet. So it is now extremely easy to try it:

    1. From the package console of any .NET 4.x web project, run “Install-Package Dlrsoft.Asp”.
    2. To switch from AspClassic to Asp Classic Compiler in the project, add the following section to the system.webServer handlers section:
            <remove name="ASPClassic"/>
            <add name="ASPClassic" verb="*" path="*.asp" type="Dlrsoft.Asp.AspHandler, Dlrsoft.Asp"/>
      Comment out the section to switch back.
    3. Add a test page StringBuilder.asp:
          imports system
          dim s = new system.text.stringbuilder()
          dim i
          s = s + "<table>"
          for i = 1 to 12
              s = s + "<tr>"
              s = s + "<td>" + i + "</td>"
              s = s + "<td>" + MonthName(i) + "</td>"
              s = s + "</tr>"
          s = s + "</table>"
      This code uses the .net extension so it will only work with Asp Classic Compiler.

    Happy experimenting!

  • SkyLinq binaries are available on NuGet

    After much hesitate, I finally published my SkyLinq binaries on NuGet. My main hesitation was that this is my playground so I am changing things at will. The main reason to publish is that I want to use these works myself so I need an easy way to get the latest binaries into my projects. NuGet is the easiest way to distribute and get updates, including my own projects. There are 3 packages:

  • Sky LINQPad, a minimum viable clone of LINQPad in the cloud

    A while ago, I blogged about a simple LINQPad query host. It is fairly easy to put a web face on it. The only change that I had to make is to set the ApplicationBase for the AppDomains that I create as is quite different to an .exe app. A playground is now running at One can upload an existing .linq files designed in LINQPad or type some queries directly into the page:



  • A simple LINQPad query host

    I am a big fan of LINQPad. I use LINQPad routinely during my work to test small, incremental ideas. I used it so much so that I bough myself a premium license.

    I always wish I can run queries designed in LINQPad in my own program. Before 4.52.1 beta, there was only a command line interface. In LINQPad v4.52.1 beta, there is finally a Util.Run method that allows me to run LINQPad queries in my own process. However, I felt that I did not have sufficient control on how I can dump the results. So I decided to write a simple host myself.

    As in the example below, a .linq file starts with an xml meta data section followed by a blank line and then the query or the statements.

    <Query Kind="Expression">
      <Reference>&lt;ProgramFilesX86&gt;\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 4\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll</Reference>

    The article “” on the LINQPad website gives me good information on how to compile and execute queries.  LINQPad uses CSharpCodeProvider (or VBCodeProvider) to compile queries. Although I was tempted to use Roslyn like ScriptCS, I decided to use CSharpCodeProvider to ensure compatible with LINQPad.

    We only need 3 lines of code to the LINQPad host:

    using LINQPadHost;
    string file = @"C:\Users\lichen\Documents\LINQPad Queries\ServerUtility.linq";
    Host host = new Host();

    As I mentioned at the beginning. I would like to control the dumping of the results. JsonTextSerializer is one of the three serializers that I supplied. The other two serializers are IndentTextSerializer and XmlTextSerializer. Personally, I found that the JsonTextSerializer and IndentTextSerializer the most useful.

    The source code could be found here.

    Examples could be found here.