NSession is quietly marching towards 1.0 release

My open source project NSession has be around for several years. It allows ASP classic pages to access ASP.NET out-of-process session states the same way that ASP.NET pages access them. Recently, there are a large number of users migrating from Windows 2003 to Windows Server 2008/2012 and encountered an incompatibility with ASP.NET 4.5. I was contacted by users daily publicly or privately. I decided to make additional effort to put finishing touch on it to make it a 1.0 product.

In release, I had:

  • Fixed the compatibility issues with asp.net 4.5.
  • Improved the documents.
  • Reduced hacking to make it less likely to encounter compatibility problem with future versions of ASP.NET.

In release, I had:

  • Added support for SQL Server session state so that it supports all the built-in out-of-proc session states in ASP.NET and is feature complete for 1.0 release.
  • Added a diagnostic check list and a diagnostic tool.

Before 1.0 release, I will continue improving installation experience, fixing bugs reported and will do some performance testing.

Beyond 1.0, I will start designing adapter interface to support custom session states. Please visit the project site to propose custom session state providers to support in the work items area.

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