
Archives / 2007 / noviembre
  • Creating a Workflow Foundation Custom Activity with Activity Derivation

    Activity derivation is one of the two methods to create Custom Activities. Unlike the composition (the another method), where with several basic activities we can create a new large and complex activity, on this method we focus on creating one single activity, defining their properties and execution model. Let's look at an example of an activity created by this method, wich will be aiming to display a message on the console.

  • Certificate Access Error in a IIS hosted WCF Service

    The problem appears when a WCF Service hosted in an IIS tries to load a certificate from the Windows Certificates Store with the account of the Application Pool where the service runs, and the account2019s profile is not previously loaded. When a user logs on interactively, the system automatically loads the user's profile. If a service or an application impersonates a user, the system does not load the user's profile. Therefore, the service or application should load the user's profile with LoadUserProfile.

  • The beginning

    Hi, my name is Mariano, I'm from Argentina and IB4m 25.
    I have programmed computers since I was 15 and I really enjoy it.
    I'm in the computer business since year 2000 and now I'm working as developer for Lagash Systems S.A. mainly with Microsoft technology.