Contents tagged with JustMock

  • Mscorlib mocking minus the attribute

    Mocking .net framework members (a.k.a. mscorlib) is always a daunting task. It’s the breed of static and final methods and full of surprises. Technically intercepting mscorlib members is completely different from other class libraries. This is the reason it is dealt differently. Generally, I prefer writing a wrapper around an mscorlib member (Ex. File.Delete(“abc.txt”)) and expose it via interface but that is not always an easy task if you already have years old codebase.

  • Assert the order of expected calls over instances

    How you assert through unit test that an user is authenticated before doing withdraw operation? You can surely verify a method is invoked as expected but if you want to ensure the order right then you might require a little more. JustMock lets you specify the order in which your setups should be executed. This helps you identify the exact way in which a particular logic is implemented.

  • Asserting a mock with test framework

    When asserting an expected call for its number of occurrences or may be just to verify if the setup/arrange is acted as intended, the tool generally raises assertion that points us to the reason why the test failed. Different mocking tools use different exception classes therefore there is no common way to consolidate them.

  • Future mocking with #IgnoreInstance

    In my previous post, i showed how JustMock picks mock expectations based on current context without the instance being injected. Based on feedback we found that It’s sometimes confusing and often does not work as intended. However, the context of this post is not to introduce future mocking rather a new feature that allows you to skip mock instance intentionally (when you can’t pass the dependency through a constructor or via method argument) instead the tool is applying it for you on behalf.

  • Future mocking revisited

    Previously , I have posted how it is possible to mock a method without passing the dependency through a constructor / calling method. This is something true for third party controls and tools where we have little control over how its created.

  • PostSharp and JustMock side by side.

    In this post I will show mocking a member call inside a PostSharp aspect. There were previously compatibility issues between both of the tools running side by side which is now been officially fixed with the most recent release of that tool (>= For those who don’t know what PostSharp is all about, it is a tool that lets you write aspects easily than you can imagine.

  • Fake a member without passing the instance via dependency

    I have came across this several times in forum (telerik) on how I can really fake an item yet I don’t want to pass the instance as an argument. Ideally, this is not a best design but there are third- partly libraries that you have little control over how its written.  Anyway, whatever the case might be. This post will show you how you can achieve the above using JustMock. I will be using MSpec in conjunction for the example.

  • Running JustMock profiler outside of Visual Studio

    In this post , I would be focusing on the issue that generally comes to query on how to run JustMock with standalone tools like nunit or msbuild console. Since mocking concrete method works initializing the .net profiler that is set using two variables in the runtime to let JustMock work the correct way.