Contents tagged with MemCached

  • Writing ASP.NET MVC bootstrapper with AutoBox

    This will post will show how you can use AutoBox to easily write a bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. I have used the latest version of AutoBox (available from nuget, this version also includes Castle.Windsor internally for managing dependencies rather using its own resolver and does not require interface to type naming convention [IAccountRepository –> AccountRepository]) . To understand what is AutoBox , how you can use it for caching using memcached and let it automatically handle dependencies for controllers and repositories, i would recommend to take a look at this post:

  • Introducing AutoBox - On the fly dependency injection and caching container.

    Just when we have dependencies for a controller, we need to wrap around our heads to write a bootstrapper that will dynamically inject dependencies for a controller in runtime and once we we want to do  data caching like a particular method in accounts repository need to get cached for a  certain number of time and it should invalidate when someone calls update, things get complex and may be we get around this with some attribute based solution.