Contents tagged with

  • Writing ASP.NET MVC bootstrapper with AutoBox

    This will post will show how you can use AutoBox to easily write a bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. I have used the latest version of AutoBox (available from nuget, this version also includes Castle.Windsor internally for managing dependencies rather using its own resolver and does not require interface to type naming convention [IAccountRepository –> AccountRepository]) . To understand what is AutoBox , how you can use it for caching using memcached and let it automatically handle dependencies for controllers and repositories, i would recommend to take a look at this post:

  • Introducing AutoBox - On the fly dependency injection and caching container.

    Just when we have dependencies for a controller, we need to wrap around our heads to write a bootstrapper that will dynamically inject dependencies for a controller in runtime and once we we want to do  data caching like a particular method in accounts repository need to get cached for a  certain number of time and it should invalidate when someone calls update, things get complex and may be we get around this with some attribute based solution.

  • Do you Encode your interface ?

    Yesterday , i was reading Clean Code by Uncle Bob. While i was doing so , i came across a line that really stuck my thought patterns and i would like to share it with my readers as well.

  • Adding streaming video content to your site

    In my last post, I showed how to turn on Amazon S3 support in Sitefinity. In this post, I will show how to create a simple video site using the video library support that is bundled with 3.6 release. It is often required that you want to add a streaming video content to your site, either it could be a product demonstration or a getting started tutorial. Using third party video provider is one way to get the job done but sometimes it requires a lot of manual work, thus headache for managing them as the library grows bigger. 3.6 release breaks you free from all these and provides an easy way for creating , uploading and managing video content.

  • Amazon S3 support in Sitefinity 3.6

    Here at Telerik, Sitefinity team is preparing for the 3.6 release next week. 3.6 comes with lot of core level enhancements and cool new features. Of which , I can't but mention one feature that will make most ISV vendors who want the power of CMS but want to let go their pain of managing large content. As, the title suggests its external storage support via Amazon S3. The data plan for hosting and transferring data to/from S3 server is pretty cheap these days in return to world class service with almost zero downtime that it offers which of course makes the most of your money. If you are not familiar with Sitefinity to add it is a product by Telerik  that comes with full content management features along with blogs, news, events, list and few other pre-made modules with easy setup and management via unique control designer.

  • Making cross domain web requests in with medium trust enabled

    There could be plenty of reason that you might need to do a cross domain web request in your application. One could be let's say you want to divert the resource pressure from your server to some third party content provider like Amazon S3. In my last post I have mentioned a bit about uploading content using WSE to S3 server. I also mentioned about the simple library located at that does not necessarily require you to work in full trust mode. This is also true if you have a personalized startpage where you want your wideget developers to restrict to partiuclar URLs.

  • Using jQuery to do Ajax Form posts in MVC

    It is now official from a post by great Scott Guthrie that jQuery is bundled with MVC Beta. jQuery is a tiny 15K JavaScript library that contains features from UI tweaks, DOM manipulation to full Ajax control. In my last post, I have shown how to get going with Ajax.Form using Microsoft MVC Ajax library. In this post, I will show how to do Ajax form posts with jQuery but in Ajax.Form style.