Mike Cole's .NET Blog
Atlanta Geek Dinner - November Edition (11/15/2004)
Kirk Evans is organizing round 2 of the Atlanta Geek Dinner. It will be Monday, 11/15/2004 6PM, at the Perimeter Mall food court. Heck, as long as they serve beer. See you guys there.
October Surprise
And its not from the Bush or Kerry camps. Instead, it is from Microsoft's developer division, announcing C# Edit-and-Continue support in VS 2005. http://blogs.msdn.com/somasegar/archive/2004/10/15/242853.aspx Woo-hoo!
Atlanta Geek Dinner
Wow. Geeks everywhere! The Atlanta Geek Dinner went off with out a hitch. Kirk tells us that next time Microsoft will even pick up the tab. ;-)
My excuse for being in Japan...
...is a Microsoft Certified Partner conference that isn't actually taking place.
Gollum kicks it gangsta style...
...and hilarity ensues. Flash movie: “Towers Are The Players“
Object Design Skill vs. UML Notation Skill
First, kudos to my current favorite book: Applying UML and Patterns by Craig Larman.
Just Arrived in London
I wish there was a London .NET User Group meeting or something going on...
ObjectSpaces - thin?
One of the most innovative things about ObjectSpaces is the fact that your business entities are not required to inherit from any base class.
American Developer in London
In the fall of 2002 I began exploring travel opportunities related to my .net consulting career. This was the result of a desire to travel, but also I think -- simply hedging my bets against a faltering economy.