Create a Banner or Ribbon in corner of your web site!

Ever wondered how to put a ribbon on your web site that was clickable to say an ad within your site or elsewhere?

An Example is at the top of your page.

Try this!

Create a  user control cause its easy!

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="CommonBanner.ascx.cs" Inherits="CommonBanner" %>
<!--[if lt IE 7]><div id="advBanner" style='position: absolute;'>
<img src="/images/ribbons/Ribbon_indexed.png" alt=" If that's where you thought you were, you're not... but click here and we'll take care of that for you." usemap="#mapLifetimeTV" /><![endif]-->
<![if gte IE 7]><div id="advBanner">
<img src="/images/ribbons/Ribbon_alpha.png" alt=" If that's where you thought you were, you're not... but click here and we'll take care of that for you." usemap="#map" /><![endif]>
 <map id="map" name="map" >
 <area alt="If that's where you thought you were, you're not... but click here and we'll take care of that for you." coords="25,0,124,0,124,102,95,72,87,80,46,39,54,30,25,0" href="" shape="poly" />

Register it in the page your going to use it.

<%@ Register Src="~/CommonBanner.ascx" TagName="CommonBanner" TagPrefix="uc6" %>
Load this at the end of the page to allow the page to load faster.
<uc6:CommonBanner ID="CommonBanner" runat="server" />
Thanks to Joe Levi for his multiple CS skills and IE hackery.


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