
Archives / 2011 / May
  • Welcome! Support group meets Wednesdays at the Library...

    Popularity has its downsides. My favorite bit is "Independent Mac security experts believe there is enough security built into the OS X operating system to protect users, given the current level of risk." This raises a question for me. If there is no need to protect OS X because of its built in security, why would there be a need for "Independent Mac Security Experts" in the first place?

  • Blue Badge

    I've been very lucky in my career so far. I've had the pleasure of working on some amazing software with many brilliant people over the years. And starting in two weeks, I'll be continuing that trend. Starting at the end of the month, I'll be joining Microsoft. The official title is "Senior ISV Architect Evangelist" but, as with most titles, it doesn't really tell you much. Basically I'll be helping ISVs leverage the Microsoft stack. I'm excited because it means I'll be knee-deep in the latest and greatest bits. And given the number of cool toys coming to the developer's toy box, there will be plenty to wade through. Back in the early 90's I read Guy Kawasaki's "Selling the Dream" and thought this sounded like a dream job. And beginning next month, I get to start doing it.