
Archives / 2004 / July
  • Change WebPart Properties through the WSS Web Services API

    I am currently working on WSS Site generation, and one important aspect of this is to set custom WebPart properties after a site is generated. In this case we are generating a WSS team site for MS CRM Opportunity objects. The WSS site is generated based on a template that contains a set of custom WebParts to display and work with Opportunity data from MS CRM.

  • Adding links to MySite from any page in Sharepoint

    On selected portal areas and teamsite pages in Sharepoint you'll get that link "Add to My Links". This link will append an entry of the current url to your MySite "My Links" list. However this feature is not availible on logical locations like the WSS Team Site default.aspx.

  • Displaying Exchange public folders in Sharepoint

    The Sharepoint / Exchange relationship is not exactly mature. I find myself struggeling to explain customers why seemingly simple stuff is kinda hard. A feature that have been requested by nearly all of our customers is to view exchange public folder contents in a Sharepoint site. So far we've done it in a couple of different ways.

  • Customize Outlook Web Access display elements

            private string OwaDisplayScript
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("<script language='JavaScript'>function window.onload()");
                    sb.Append("var form = document.forms[0];");
                    sb.Append("if( form.document.readyState == 'complete' )");
                    sb.Append("var oStyles = form.document.createStyleSheet();");
                    sb.Append("oStyles.addRule( '.tblFolderBar', 'display:none' );");
                    sb.Append("oStyles.addRule( '.trToolbar', 'display:none' );");
                    return sb.ToString();