
Archives / 2004 / July
  • SMTP Server (create temporary email addresses)

    I am still developing my own SMTP server. A lot of people asked me why do I don't offer a POP3 server to get the emails. "Only a webfrontent is not enough for us...!" Ok, I started to create a … more

  • A sample on how to use the SetCookieEx function

    A lot of pages in my intranet application are using now the SetCookieEx functions. One of my .HTC components will be similar to the System.Collections.CollectionBase object in .NET. You can add this . … more

  • Use Javascript objects like you do it in C#

    While developing websites (intranet applications) I had to save a lot of information on the client or for a user. First, I used cookies to save information. I noticed that I can only save up to 20 … more