this.method() and base.method() in JavaScript

I looked around for the problem when you want to inherit from a JavaScript "class" with overriding a method, but I didn't find any solution. Today I tried this, which is working, but not very nice coding:

var mybox = Class.create();
mybox.prototype = {
  update: function() {
    this.div.innerText = new Date();

var mybox2 = Class.create();
mybox2.prototype = (new mybox()).extend({
  update: function() {
    this.div.innerText += "jjj";

As you can see in the mybox2 I can call the base update method using this.base_update(). Are there any other ideas on how to implement inheritance with overriding base methods, but don't losing them?


  • Hermann Klinke said

    I am working on a framework that makes this kind of stuff really easy (making javascript really 100% object oriented), but in the meantime you could hack it this way:

    //makes it possible to inherit classes
    Function.prototype.inherits = function(baseClass)
    this.prototype = new baseClass;
    this.prototype.Base = baseClass.prototype;
    //use own constructor
    this.prototype.constructor = this.constructor;

    function BaseClass()

    //method to override
    BaseClass.prototype.method = function()
    alert("base method called.");

    function DerivedClass()
    //this must be done right after the constructor

    //override method
    DerivedClass.prototype.method = function()
    alert("new method called.");

    var instance = new DerivedClass();


    I plan on publishing that framework...I could notify you if you are interested.

  • Michael Schwarz said

    Yes, I found this at the crockford web site, too. As I can remember I could not use

    var instance = new DerivedClass(param1, param2);

    where param1 and param2 where used for the BaseClass constructor, too. I'm searching for something like the .inherits method and the Class.create (prototype.js).

  • Hermann Klinke said

    Sorry, I don't know prototype.js and I am not sure if I understand your problem. You could use param1 and param2 the same way you do it in C# (well the syntax is a little different):

    function BaseClass(method1, method2)
    this.method1 = method1;
    this.method2 = method2;

    function DerivedClass(method1, method2)
    {, method1, method2);

    var instance = new DerivedClass(function(){alert("Hello");}, function(){alert("World");});

    Hope that helps!

  • David Chandler said

    I'm not sure if this is the correct way to solve the problem, but I was trying to do the same thing today and found that this will work:

    var mybox = Class.create();
    mybox.prototype.initialize = function() {}
    mybox.prototype.update = function() {
    alert(new Date());

    var mybox2 = Class.create();
    mybox2.prototype = (new mybox()).extend({
    update: function() {
    mybox.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments);

    var test1 = new mybox();
    var test2 = new mybox2();

    mybox.prototype.update.apply calls the 'base class' apply method.

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