Windows Mobile 6.1.4 – Download Emulator Images

Tags: AJAX, IE, Mobile

Yesterday Microsoft has published the new emulator images for Windows Mobile 6.1.4. One of the most important new features is the Internet Explorer Mobile 6 version.

Windows Mobile 6.1.4 includes the new Internet Explorer Mobile 6,  a full-featured browser for Windows Mobile devices that brings the same high-quality browsing experience to the user as desktop browsers. Internet Explorer Mobile 6 supports desktop-quality rendering and has the best compliance support of all versions of Internet Explorer on a Windows Mobile device to date. Several new features and improved support allows users to complete tasks quickly and easily.

This package includes localized Windows Mobile 6.1.4 emulator images that can be used with Visual Studio to test applications or as standalone emulators without Visual Studio.

Download new emulator images for Windows Mobile 6.1.4. The download link for the Internet Explorer Mobile 6.pdf is currently not working.

1 Comment

  • Kamran shahid said

    Nice But From Last two and Half years there is not much of the concentration seem to be given on Windows mobile [since Windows mobile 5 as WM6 are mostly same as WM5]. Blackberry ,Apple and Now Google are grwoing and enhancing very fast.

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