Silverlight 3 DataForm Control Mapping - Add Extensibility

An earlier posting explains how to perform basic modifications to the Silverlight 3 DataForm control.

It's convenient if such features are available for extensibility.

This can be achieved in a straightforward fashion too. (A modified DataForm project is attached.)

The DataForm implements the GenerateField method, which calls the two methods that affect Control mapping.
Control control = GetControlFromType(propertyType);

DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = GetBindingPropertyFromType(propertyType);

We can refactor this area, by introducing a Control Mapping interface (IControlMapper) and a default implementation (ControlMapper).

Note: I wanted access to the Custom Attributes on each Property, since Custom Attributes may contain information that influences the Control Mapping process. As such, I tweaked the GenerateField method signature to accept the PropertyInfo for the current Property.

We add a property to DataForm:

public IControlMapper ControlMapper { get; set; }

The GenerateField calling code then changes to the following:

private bool GenerateField(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Type propertyType, string propertyName, BindingMode bindingMode, Panel panel)


IControlMapper controlMapper = this.ControlMapper;
if (null == controlMapper)


controlMapper = new ControlMapper();


controlMapper.PropertyInfo = propertyInfo;

controlMapper.PropertyType = propertyType;

Control control = controlMapper.GetControl();

DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = controlMapper.GetBindingProperty();


We can now define a derived DataForm class that supplies a different implementation of IControlMapper that performs the required mapping.

public interface IControlMapper


PropertyInfo PropertyInfo { get; set; }

Type PropertyType { get; set; }

Control GetControl(); DependencyProperty GetBindingProperty();


Here is the refactored ControlMapper base class:

public class ControlMapper : IControlMapper


#region IControlMapper Members

protected PropertyInfo propertyInfo;

public PropertyInfo PropertyInfo




return this.propertyInfo;




this.propertyInfo = value;



protected Type propertyType;public Type PropertyType




return this.propertyType;




this.propertyType = value;



public virtual Control GetControl()


Type type = this.PropertyType;

Debug.Assert(type != null, "The type must not be null.");

if (type == typeof(bool))


return new CheckBox();


else if (type == typeof(bool?))


CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();

checkBox.IsThreeState = true;

return checkBox;


else if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(DateTime?))


return new DatePicker();


else if (type.IsEnum)


ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();

FieldInfo[] valueFieldInfos = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

List<string> valueList = new List<string>();foreach (FieldInfo valueFieldInfo in valueFieldInfos)


Enum value = valueFieldInfo.GetValue(null) as Enum;

if (value != null)





comboBox.ItemsSource = valueList;

return comboBox;




return new TextBox();



public virtual DependencyProperty GetBindingProperty()


Type type = this.PropertyType;

Debug.Assert(type != null, "The type must not be null.");

if (type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(bool?))


return CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty;


else if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(DateTime?))


return DatePicker.SelectedDateProperty;


else if (type.IsEnum)


return ComboBox.SelectedItemProperty;




return TextBox.TextProperty;






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