
Archives / 2004 / April
  • For all of you that ask to join NWAF or download beta version.

     Although there is a project on sourceforge I'm still working on the bites so you can have something to play with. Due to the fact that I'm working on NWAF after my working hours it will take me more time. I'll post here NWAF design to hear your   constructive criticism ;-).

  • Partial types, please let me touch or at least add code to constructors.

    Partial types are really cool but as they used in Whidbey to isolate dynamic code generate from designers from user code that implements events has some aspect that bother me. Designer generates the class construction of page and due to partial type limitations I can't write construction on my part of the class. This lives me just one way to add code into page constructor and that’s just by creating my own base page that pages will be derived from. While this solution works I found it clumsy. It would be wonderful if I can write my construction code on my part of class and that code will be embedded into the other partial type file constructor.

  • Microsoft and the enterprise market, is it reality?

    Since Microsoft published .Net they start to push .Net as solution for enterprise market. .Net introduces much more mature developing system combining with much more mature servers and operating system. Microsoft adopts several programming concept such as OO, ORM, Attributes. Microsoft also Improve IIS and operating systems and they are keeping improving their operating systems and development tools by developing Longhorn and Whidbey. But it looks to me that all that effort not really addresses the enterprise needs. Before I mention the word Java I just want to mention that I'm not java guy at all. My daily occupation as enterprise guy simply forces me to interact with Java and Java solution on a daily basis. My interaction with Java not as a language or development tool but as a set of infrastructures and frameworks for enterprise development make my daily life as Microsoft guy very but very hard. As opposed to the rich opportunities that Java solutions supplies to enterprises I just have IIS, BizTalk, COM+ and other servers that I cant even compare to other solutions such as application servers (JBOSS), clustering, in memory databases (Giga spaces) and other useful open source project that already port to .NET such as Nunit, Nant and as I heard recently Nspring.

  • Good architecture should serve enterprise needs and not technology hype

    From time to time when I review system architecture or discuss systems architecture I found myself criticize architecture mainly due to the fact that the chosen architect build on the latest technology trend and not with strong attitude to enterprise needs. It looks to me that we as architects tend to use the latest hot words that just come out from the oven instead of matching the right technology for given enterprise needs. I even heard that given architecture selected just because development speed reason. While the chosen architecture could work for given system it could be hell to integrate that system with other systems (which is basic need for his customer).

  • NWAF

    By the way, I'm looking for help so if you find NWAF intersting contact me.

  • MVC and ASP.NET forms – NWAF

    I already post few times about MVC and ASP.NET. Since I couldn’t find any web application framework based on MVC design pattern without harming any of ASP.NET features I decide to write new open source project to deal with that issue. I'm working on NWAF for few weeks and I'm really close to publish alpha version.

  • Installing Visual studio 2005

    At last I got time to install VS 2005. I was disappointed to see that I need to remove Whidbey 1.2 installation in order to install the new version. Is that side by side execution?

  • Few good words about MapPoint 2004.

     As you read on my blog I spend 5 days of driving from San Francisco to Seattle. To navigate I use my tablate (Toshiba), GPS (Magellan, colorTRAK), cable adapter from USB to Serial and MapPoint. It works just great! I always saw my position and it was easy to track motels and restaurant (although the motels and restaurant database in not accurate). Well great Product!!!

  • MVP summit - 1

    After 8 days of traveling across USA, I recently arrived Seattle and attend MVP global summit.  Nothing much to tell and probably wont be due to the NDA nature of that summit.  Till now we receive the mew version of Whidbey. I didn’t have time to play with it but there are changes in the IDE and it much more flexible for developers settings.