
Archives / 2005 / January
  • Always contradict...

    I was having this discussion with Vivek about Asynchronous Execution and circular reference and I realized that whenever you have a discussion with someone, you should try to contradict him in a positive manner. On one hand I was contradicting Vivek on the subject. He said that I should be using Wait() Notify() in the application and I said that it is not applicable. On the other hand, I was having the same discussion with my team telling them that we should be using Wait() Notify() and they were against me.

    I understand the requirement of the application and the constraints of the environment more than Vivek because I am in the project and he is not. But this gives him a third person perspective which me and my team mates do not have. Probably My team is going to win the discussion eventually. But in the process, I am going to learn so many different things. All I am trying to do is analyzing an alternative solution, which might / could have been much simpler if it were feasible.

    But all this was possible only because I contradicted with everyone. With Vivek and with my team mates. Once on this side of the debate and once on that.

  • Circular Reference...

    Telling you about a problem that we faced today. We are writing a handheld application for Windows CE. The application communicates with a Java based base station, using a web service. We call a web service on the base station that sends back a string of commands separated by tildes. These commands contain information regarding the UI and the behavior of the application. Like there is a Message command which means a label control has to be rendered on the form and there is an accept command that means a textbox has to be rendered on the form. These commands contain information regarding the placing of the control, the behavior, the contents, etc.

  • Everyone gets there... the question is when...

    There is this controls array, a property of the System.Windows.Forms.Form. All the controls that are in the form, are listed in the controls array and if you want to remove a particular control from the form, you just call the RemoveAt() method of the control array which will remove the control from the specified index.

  • There it hides behind your clouded brain...

    There was this problem that I was working on which I think was pretty interesting. We are writing an application for a handheld device. Now there are textboxes in the application which we have to deal with. Now if the user wants to navigate from one textbox to its previous textbox, he has to press a combination of keys. Like for example Shift+S or Shift+B. this combination could be anything and is taken from a configuration file. Now the issue was this. Suppose it is Shift+S, when the user, used the combination, there was a capitalized S being printed in the textbox before the focus moved into the previous textbox.