
Archives / 2009 / July
  • Singleton Vs. Static Class

    Well I was asked this question once. “What is a singleton design pattern and why should I use it? Why not use a static class instead?”

  • To query the local object context

    When faced with the dilemma that what if I wanted to insert something and before I actually saved the changes into a persistent storage (database) by calling SaveAllChanges() method on the data context, I wanted to do a select, and also I wanted to make sure that this select is done on the just inserted objects, what should I be doing?

  • Entity Framework, Business Objects and Beyond…

    Back during the RMI days, we used to generate skeleton (henceforth referred to as skel or skels) and stubs for all long range service communications… Yes… WCF has its roots there and perhaps further into the past…! Details available here.