
Archives / 2009 / December
  • Wordpress is amazing… Blogger might be overrated…

    You are new to blogging… You are planning to start a blog… There is a very good chance that you might end up having a blog on blogger… Or you could have a blog on geekswithblogs or if you are doing something in .Net Technologies, the probability of which is quite high since you are reading this blog (me being on .Net) then you might have a blog on

  • Persistence Ignorance… Why…?

    How do you plan your architecture when you are using entity framework? Do you write a data access layer? Or do you just go ahead and start writing queries on the object context. What happens if you want to use stored procedures? Why stored procedures you ask? well a no. of reasons. Some performance, others just a plain ol’ legacy database with existing stored procedures. But that’s a little out of context at the moment.

  • Joomla… or should it be Zoomla…

    I have been thinking of owning a website of my own for a long time. First web space was expensive. Not universally, but at least for me. Always thought, is it worth it? How am I justify the annual cost no matter how little. And then of course my salary wasn’t that big then.

  • Disabled...

    Never thought I would feel so helpless without a machine. I do have a machine at work, but can’t do much there. It is a work machine after all. Got addicted to the Lenovo T60, the Iron Box (we used to affectionately call it) so much, suddenly I miss it.