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After listening to David Bornstein on , now I am spending most of my idle time over there. To share will all of you, here you can find content from industry gurus like Joel Spolsky, Jon Udell, Kent Beck, Paul Graham, Steve McConnell, Alistair Cockburn...

Short-listing of all the programs:

Kent Beck, pioneer of eXtreme Programming -- Developer Testing  
Joel Spolsky, founder, Fog Creek Software -- Joel on Software  
Dan Bricklin, Software Garden -- Memory Lane  
Paul Graham -- Great Hackers  
Alistair Cockburn, Humans and Technology -- Agile Software Development  
Paul Graham -- Hackers and Painters  
Mike Milinkovich, executive director, Eclipse Foundation -- Eclipse  
Jon Udell, Lead Analyst, InfoWorld -- The Tech Horizon  
Phil Zimmermann -- PGP  
Philip Greenspun -- Software Engineering  
Steve McConnell, CEO, Construx Software -- Software Engineering  
Rasmus Lerdorf, Senior Technical Yahoo -- PHP

Visit the following page for all the lectures

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