Best of Articles :: Microsoft Smartphone Programming

[This (sort of) book is a collection of different articles combined under related chapters]

Chapter 1: Introduction to the .NET Compact Framework


Fundamentals of Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Development for the Microsoft .NET Framework Developer




What's New in Smartphone 2003




Develop for Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone Using the .NET Compact Framework




An Introduction to Microsoft SmartPhone, and Programming SmartPhone using C#




Design Considerations for Microsoft Smartphone Applications




Chapter 2: The Smartphone User Interface


Write Apps for the Smartphone without Dumbing Down Your UI




Creating a Multiple Form Application Framework for the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




How to Create a Microsoft .NET Compact Framework-based Image Button




Crafting Smartphone User Interfaces Using .NET Compact Framework




Develop for the SmartPhone Using Techniques You Already Know




Chapter 3: Smartphone Controls


Creating Controls by Hand in the .NET Compact Framework




.NET Compact Framework Sample: Hosting A Native Windows Control




Developing Custom Controls in C# with Smart Device Extensions




Chapter 4: Graphics


Creating a Microsoft .NET Compact Framework-based Animation Control




Chapter 5: Files and Directories


Working with files on Smartphone devices with the .NET Compact Framework




Chapter 6: Mobile Web Services


Consuming Web Services with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




Chapter 7: Working with Unmanaged Code


Accessing Phone APIs from the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




Advanced P/Invoke on the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




An Introduction to P/Invoke and Marshaling on the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




Creating a P/Invoke Library




P/Invoking Serial APIs in the Compact Framework




Using dumpbin.exe as an Aid for Declaring P/Invokes




Chapter 8: Deploying Smartphone Application


Deployment Patterns for Microsoft .NET Compact Framework




Smartphone 2003 Application Deployment Demystified




Chapter 9: Interoperability


Connecting Microsoft Mobile Devices to Java Infrastructures




Architecting Disconnected Mobile Applications Using a Service Oriented Architecture




Chapter 10: Game Programming with Smartphone


Games Programming with Cheese: Part One




Games Programming with Cheese: Part Two




Games Programming with Cheese: Part Three




Games Programming with Cheese: Part Four




Chapter 11: Advanced Topics



A Practical Guide to the Smartphone Application Security and Code Signing Model for Developers




Sending and Receiving SMS Messages:

Receiving SMS Messages Inside a Managed Application




Sending SMSs from your Microsoft .NET Compact Framework-based Applications





Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Debugging





An Overview of the .Net Compact Framework Garbage Collector




Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Multi-threading Tips




Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Background Processing Techniques




Improving Microsoft .NET Compact Framework-based Application Form Load Performance




Developing Well Performing .NET Compact Framework Applications




.Net Compact Framework Advanced Memory Management





Creating Self-Updating Applications With the .NET Compact Framework




Improving .NET Compact Framework HTTP Communications using HttpWebRequest and Custom ASP.NET Providers




Connecting a Smartphone 2003 Application to a Remoting Infrastructure




.NET Compact Framework Mobile Web Server Architecture




Chapter 12: What's Next


What's New in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0





Other Resources (Links gathered from comments)

Pragmatic Smartphone Application Hints and Tricks:

Programming Smartphone 2002/2003/SE with Embedded Visual Basic (eVB):

Smartphone "Tip-o-the-Day"


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