Windows Azure Service Platform – Worflow Services Changes

The team announced that several importance changes in the Workflow Services way of work and also that it will be taken offline for a while in order to proceed with all the changes.

Changes like the possibility of working in the Cloud Workflow Services the same way as in the .NET Framework 4.0:

“(…) An area of consistent discussion is the Microsoft .NET Workflow Service delivered via .NET Services, and how it relates to the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) in the .NET Framework. One of the comments that we’ve consistently heard about the .NET Workflow Service is that you want the Workflow Service to be built on .NET Framework 4‘s workflow engine. This is currently not the case, since we are prior to the release date of .NET Framework 4.

As the direct result of user feedback, we will hold off further releases of the Workflow Service until after .NET Framework 4 ships. Since there will be important changes to the Workflow Service before it goes to full production, we are planning to take down the existing Workflow Service as part of service improvements in the month of July. This means any solutions that currently rely on the Workflow Service will have to be modified on or before July 1 in order to continue functioning smoothly. (…)

More information’s here.

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