Automated website deployment using Powershell

I published an article which automates website deployment.

The Powershell script does the following for you:

· Maintains different configuration information for different deployments. For example, different connection strings for development servers and production servers (one or more production servers).

· Creates a deployment folder using the deployment date, time, and version so that you have a separate folder for each deployment and can keep track of things deployed on a day, e.g., 20061214-1.

· Copies only the change files and some predefined files to the deployment folder. So, you don't deploy the whole website every day.

· Copies the web.config and customizes the <appSettings>, <connectionString>, <assemblies> etc., as per the deployment configuration. For example, you can have different connection strings for different servers.

· Updates all JavaScript files with a version number so that in every deployment, a new file gets downloaded by client browsers.

· Updates default.aspx automatically with the modified script file name.

· Compresses all JavaScript files that gets deployed.

· Compresses all static HTML files using an Absolute HTML Optimizer.

· Creates a zip file which contains the deployment package.

· FTP the zip file to a target server.

So all you need to do is, run the script, extract the zip on server and voila!

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