
Archives / 2011 / December
  • Browse internet faster and save power using a smart HOSTS file

    Internet is full of flash ads nowadays that make page load slower, render slower and consumes more CPU, thus power. If you can browse without having any flash ads or in fact any ads loaded and without any of the tracking scripts - you can browse much faster, scroll through pages much smoother and have more hours from your battery. Nowadays, most websites use scripts from various analytics sites that track your browsing habit, use IFRAME to load tracking and social networking widgets. All of these add considerable delay to page loading and make browser consume more CPU and bandwidth. If you can turn all of them off, browsing internet feels a lot smoother, faster and you get more work hours while running on battery.

  • Get Dropthings license by donating to charity

    Now you no longer pay me for Dropthings license instead you donate the money to a charity and I will give you the license. In case you don’t know what Dropthings is, it is a Web 2.0 Personalizable Dashboard framework that you can use to build Web 2.0 personalizable websites and enterprise dashboards. It is built using ASP.NET AJAX, jQuery, Silverlight, .NET 3.5, Entity Framework, SQL Server. It is in use in big companies like BT, Intel, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters; many government organizations like State Police, Canada Border Protection etc. Since it is a state of the art .NET 3.5 codebase, it is sometimes used as a starting point for an application with all the best practices already in place in order to build an N-tier web app using popular technologies, design patterns and testing methods. Dropthings helps you build web app utilizing extensive performance and scalability research that I have done to scale websites to millions of users. It also helps you build a codebase that is highly testable. It shows you how to test AJAX applications using automated test tools like WatiN. It has a business layer and a data access layer that is fully unit testable, nearly 100% test coverage and uses Inversion of Control pattern to the fullest.