Atlas, caching & CodeCampOz

Well CodeCampOz is a done deal. I was lucky enough to do 2 presentations on Atlas, one an Intro talk, and the other a little more detailed. Both seemed to be received well.

I caught up with Brian Davis who sat in on my last Atlas presentation and mentioned he had some issues where the Atlas client libraries were not cached. He got back to me after further investigations on his part and let me know what was going on. I thought it was worth mentioning so have reproduced it below. Thanks to Brian for the info.

When the web.config contains debug="true", any scripts referenced by a WebResources line (ie. deployed via WebResources.axd) will NOT be cached. When debug="false", these scripts are all cached. This is obviously typical of your production settings, but its worth remembering so you know to expect the different behavior in the different scenarios. Check out Scott Guthries blog entry ( )for more detail on the subject.

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