TechEd Australia Interviews

A post or two ago I mentioned that I would be interviewing some prominent people in the industry while they are at TechEd in Australia for future ASP.NET podcats. So far, the responses have been overwhelming. Because you probably can't see the sarcasm in my typing, that means I received zero suggestions for questions.

So as one final plea, if you have any questions you'd like me to ask the following people a quesiton on your behalf, please post a comment or mail me direct at glav @

Normally, I'd come up with questions but a lot of the time, people always mention I should have asked this question or that question, hence why I am putting it out there.

The people I will be interviewing are:

1. Scott Guthrie - needs no introduction but.....General Manager in the Microsoft Developer Division
2. George Moore - General Manager of Windows Live development Platform
Jorke Odolphi - Product Engineer for WebCentral
4. Eric Diely - IIS Program Manager
Keith Smith - Senior product manager, Web platforms and tools

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