ASP.NET MVC and IE8 WebActivities

One of the great things in readify is the ability to do Professional Development at scheduled intervals to keep up to speed with the latest industry technologies and advancements. My latest foray into this (amongst other things) has been looking at the ASP.NET MVC framework and Internet Explorer 8 WebActivities. Both of these technologies are quite cool and I wanted a way to learn about them both and link them in some way where I could learn about them at the same time.

To that end, I created a solution in Visual Studio 2008 which utilises the ASP.NET MVC framework and allows a user to enter some fields to create an IE8 Web Activity definition. You can then view the XML definition, and click the 'Add' button to add that activity to Internet Explorer 8 as a proper web activity.

The web activity generated is not particularly functional, but does allow previews, icon definition, execute actions, however has no current support for parameters. Again, not really intended as a fully fledged utility or application, but a good way to learn about both the MVC framework and IE8 activities.

The solution can be downloaded here.

Obviously, you need Visual Studio 2008, the ASP.NET MVC preview 2 framework, and have Internet Explorer 8 beta installed.

Feel free to download, play, chop up etc...

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