Contents tagged with ASPInsiders

  • ASPInsiders Summit 2006 - C# 3.0 and LINQ

    C# 3.0 (not to be confused with the confusingly-named .NET Framework 3.0, which includes C# 2.0, not C# 3.0) was the most exciting thing discussed at the ASPInsiders Summit. When I first learned a bit about LINQ at the 2005 summit, I didn't really get what was so great about taking some mangled SQL syntax and duct-taping it onto the language. Given a few hours for Anders Hejlsberg, the lead architect of C#, to explain LINQ, how it came to be, how it works behind the scenes, and why it's a Good Thing, I changed my mind. He and Scott Guthrie sold me on LINQ (at least, as much as I could be until it's released and I can play with it first-hand).

  • ASPInsiders Summit 2006 - IIS 7

    Earlier this month was the ASPInsiders Summit at Microsoft. As finishing the QA cycle for, deploying, and supporting a project at work has kept me busy, followed immediately by the holidays, I haven't had much chance to blog about it until now. This is partly a good thing, since it means others more punctual than me have blogged about it first and saved me some trouble. Thanks, Steve!

    As usual, they talked a bit about stuff that's recently been released, such as Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals and the now-released action-packed VS 2005 SP1, where Web Application Projects becomes a first-class citizen in the Visual Studio world as they should have been since day one.